1st International Research Seminar on Salutogenesis

The first International Research Seminar on Salutogenesis and the 1st Meeting of the IUHPE Global Working Group on Salutogenesis”, was arranged 12-13 May, 2008 in Helsinki Finland. The Seminar took place at Folkhälsan, Topeliuksenkatu 20 and gathered about 80 scientist and persons interested in the field of salutogenesis.

The main focus of the seminar was on the development of the salutogenic theory and the core concept Sense of Coherence (SOC) in the context of health promotion research and practice. Invited international speakers were the Immidiate Past President of the IUHPE Professor Maurice Mittelmark, Norway, Professor and Research Colleague to Aaron Antonovsky Shifra Sagy, Israel, Professor Malka Margalit, Israel.

Below the presentations at the seminar in an alphabetical order:                                                  
Dr Monica Eriksson, Finland   The evidence base of Salutogenesis: State of Art.

Assistance Professor Mirjam Kalland, Finland  Reconstrction of developmental pathways – sense of coherence among Finnish war-children 60 years later and its relation to mental and physical health.

Professor and Chair of the IUHPE GWGS Bengt Lindström, Finland   Principles and aims in Health Promotion.

Professor Malka Margalit, Israel   The salutogenic paradigm in education – promoting wellbeing of children with special needs and their families.

Professor and Immidiate Past President IUHPE Maurice Mittelmark , Norway  Building Healthy Public Policy – the salutogenic way.

Professor Shifra Sagy, Israel   Sense of Coherence in a family context.

Assistance Professor Sakari Suominen, Finland  Sense of Coherence and Health: The evidence of longitudinal research.

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